My Easy method will make you Take back control

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Begin to Activate Mind and Body for Permanent Weight loss

Ready to end your weight loss struggles and frustrations?
This 5-step RESET framework empowers you to say goodbye to trial and error, feeling stuck, helpless, and hopeless.
A framework that guides you to create a relatable and exciting vision, is a stretch but doable, provides the right level of structure and systems to facilitate your success, and fosters emotional connection and trust between you and the coach, WILL lead to lasting weight loss. 

A potent guide to help you choose the right program:The RESET, 5 Steps To Sustainable Weight Loss, is a potent guide to help you choose the program that is just right for you. 

Enter your name and email below to download our free guide that help you identify the weight loss program that will RESET your metabolism, Rewire your brain and body for a healthy relationship with food, Reclaim your health and vitality, and Rediscover confidence in how you Look, Feel and Perform. 

Discover the Simple 5-Step Framework to Lose Weight and Keep it OFF! 

I know that losing weight and keeping it off can be a challenging journey, especially if you've been struggling with yo-yo dieting and chronic health conditions related to being overweight. As a trusted mentor and guide for Lasting Weight Loss, I have helped thousands of clients overcome these struggles and achieve their weight loss goals.

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and unsure of where to turn for guidance? Do you feel like you should know what to do, but just can't seem to make the scale budge? I understand how it feels to be in your shoes, and that's why I want to share my RESET framework with you.

RESET is a simple 5-step approach that will help you ditch yo-yo dieting and live confidently at a healthy, ideal weight, without the fear of getting fat again. Whether you've been on a weight loss program before and regained the weight, or you're struggling to lose weight on your own, the RESET framework will give you the tools and guidance you need to succeed.

Don't let overwhelm and frustration hold you back any longer. Download my free RESET ebook now and discover the simple 5-step framework to lose weight and keep it off for good. With my 27 years of experience in the wellness industry and my passion for helping busy professional women like you, I have every confidence that you can achieve your weight loss goals with the RESET framework.

PERMANENT Weight Loss and FREEDOM from Chronic Weight Related Illnesses Will Happen When You...

Develop an Optimised  meal Plan 

Have a program of eating and movements customizable to your body, lifestyle and energy requirements.

Understand Your Decision Patterns

Understand how your mental and emotional patterns often sabotage your wellness and other goals.

Develop Mental

Develop the Mental Fitness to enable you to make your actions consistent with your goals and intentions.

Reclaim Your Life: Lose Weight and Regain Your Vitality, Confidence & Joy!

Have you struggled with your weight for years? Are you tired of feeling tired, sluggish, and self-conscious?

As a child, I was shamed for being "fat," and that stigma followed me well into adulthood. At my heaviest, I weighed 203 pounds, and I couldn't even find the energy to read my daughter a bedtime story.
But I refused to give up.

I tried countless weight loss programs, only to gain the weight back every time. It wasn't until I realized that sustainable weight loss is about more than just diet and exercise that I finally broke the cycle. I learned how to cultivate mental fitness, manage stress, and make a true commitment to my health and wellbeing.

Now, I want to help YOU do the same. As a trusted mentor and guide, I will provide you with the tools, support, and accountability you need to succeed. Together, we'll develop a customised plan that works for your body, your lifestyle, and your goals. With my guidance and support, you can achieve your dream body, improve your health and energy, and live with the confidence and vibrancy you deserve. Let's work together to make it happen.

Work with me as your trusted mentor and guide for Sustainable Weight Loss:

#1. Download the RESET
5 steps framework

#2. Let me help you identify Your
Weight Loss Breakthrough Strategy

A proven system that works 

""Never Thought I Would See My Collar Bones Again"

I had been on a successful weight loss program before but my weight became a challenge in the last five years and the old solution no longer worked for me.

I now understand better how to work with food, stress and commitment.

Ruby M., Entrepreneur
Kingston Jamaica

"Got Rid Of Stubborn Fat In My Mid-Section"

I have been on a health and wellness journey for about nineteen years and I still learned a lot.

I am over 50 years old and the fat in my mid sections has always been a challenge. I now know something new that I can use to help women who are struggling with the mid-section weight.

Andria G., Wellness Coach, 
Atlanta, GA.

"Andrea Is A Powerful Guide"

I learned so much about myself and my body. I feel uniquely empowered.

This takes you on a journey of personal discovery about habits that support your well-being. You can be in control of your life.

There is a ferocity that Andrea brings, in standing for the success of her clients, that I have not experienced before"

Cynthia O., Feminine
Power Coach & Facilitator
Vancouver, British Columbia

" I Now Look Younger & Smaller"

I did not have much body weight to lose, but I had been trying for years to lose my belly fat.
When I joined Andrea’s program I had given up and was saving the money to do a liposuction.
 I never thought this was possible for me. My co-workers are marvelling that I look younger and smaller, while they are all moving in the opposite direction . Now I feel very good and optimistic about my life. 

Francine R., Technologist
Kingston, Jamaica 

I am taking a stand to help other women lose weight and prevent unnecessary  suffering


Natural Food Misleading

I thought I was eating natural healthy food and was getting enough exercise, but I was getting fat, sick and feeling older than my years. 

I ballooned to over 200 lbs, and began losing mobility at the knees and had no energy to read my daughter her bedtime stories.

Don’t Sacrifice Yourself

I had a very demanding job but I was about to lose EVERYTHING if I did not find a way to deal with my weight and health challenges.

Finally, I found a solution that did work and it enabled me to return to the same weight I had at 11 YEARS OLD, and my biological age dropped 15 years below my calendar years.

Fat Can Be

Where I grew up being pleasantly plump was considered attractive.
I had five miscarriages and years of challenges with allergies, arthritis and  diabetes.

It was some years before I learned the connection between fat and deadly inflammation.


Hit a Wall? – 5 No Fail Strategies to End a Weight Loss Plateau

If you have ever set out to achieve a worthy goal at some point you are going to hit a wall. BAM!

Sometimes it may be that you don’t begin to lose weight and transform your body as quickly as anticipated. Other times the weight and fat fall fast in the early weeks then suddenly there is a plateau.

Do You Give a Damn About Your Appearance?

Here is the number one reason why you should bother with how you look.

Before someone have a chance to know who you really are, the physical signals
you send with your appearance, shape how they will perceive you long before you open your mouth.

Release Belly Fat in 5 Steps

Belly fat is often the result of past hurts, disappointments, strong negative emotions or trauma. Unable to deal with these difficult emotions, food is often used to soothe the pain. Emotional Freedom Technique is a simple tool that can be self administered and which can lead you to release the emotional causes of belly fat. Anyone can learn to release belly fat in these 5 simple steps

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The Reset: 5 Steps To Lasting Weight Loss!


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