Take this pill. Buy this program. Give me just give me 21 days on this diet

Tried it all and still stuck?

Could it all be just Belly Fat Lies! Fancy face marketing that cant deliver results


  •  Perhaps you have slow metabolism
  • You are just big-boned
  • You have no willpower
  • You have an inactive or Overactive Thyroid or
  • Fat just runs in the family, (look at your mother and siblings)

Could  There Be Other Belly Fat Lies Being Told Such As…?

I don’t have the time to count calories

I can’t stick to that program because I am hungry all the time

My husband, spouse, significant others like me with some flesh/fat

If I have to give up chocolate, ice-cream, pizza or buttered popcorn, or _________ I’d rather be FAT

Finally…The Truth

You cannot lose weight and belly fat sticking to a diet that made you accumulate fat and expand your body. This just cannot be done. Moving to a healthy lean is not about some masochistic ritual in which you sacrifice all pleasure in eating and live a life of caloric and emotional deprivation.

You often gain weight and belly fat because you are not eating enough of the right nutrients.

 When your body is deficient in essential nutrients, it will “turn on” your hunger and craving mechanisms, hoping that you will eat the missing nutrient(s). 

This intuitive approach worked when men lived in the wild and when as an infant, you simply cry and refuse what is given to you until you are presented with the right food. However with busy life styles and easily accessible junk food, you usually end up nibbling on more of the same nutrient-poor food that caused the deficiency in the first place

Without adequate supply of essential nutrient your metabolism slows to conserve existing supplies the precious nutrients and delay the onset of any related disease.  This has other consequences such as storing the excess calories you continue to consume as fat while actually making you feel tired.

There is no shortcut or magic way to lose weight. But this can be easy when you have a proven safe program and a coach who cares about you to see you through your weight and belly fat loss program and to hold a mirror to some of the more common belly Fat lies that will sabotage your success

 Imagine a Weight and Fat Loss Program Where You Don’t Have to:

  • Count Calories
  • Be Hungry
  • Have Headaches
  • Be Exhausted from lack of nourishment
  • Give up all the foods you Enjoy eating
  • Pay the exorbitant price most dieters pay in time, energy and self-esteem

You can begin this program right now with a FREE Wellness Evaluation. In less than an hour you will know your health strong points and your danger zones and together we will develop your own personal customized Lose Weight and Belly Fat Action Plan .to address y our basic nutrition, health maximizing and weight reduction

The # 1 Success Secret 

The number one secret to losing weight and belly fat is to have consistent human support.

In one of the most cited examples researchers from the University of North Carolina gave 192 overweight adults access to a weight loss web site; a third of them also had e-mail access to a behavioral weight loss counselor, and a third received automated reminders when they logged on. After 3 months, the no-counseling group lost about 6 pounds, those with automated reminders lost 12 to 13 pounds, while dieters with access to a live person had lost an average of 16 pounds — 10 more than the no-counseling group.

I am at the other end of your computer screen, waiting to coach you to a new flat belly, fit and fabulous body. You can take action today to get a free wellness evaluation and begin make different diet choices and steer clear of belly fat lies.

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