I want this belly gone!

I don’t know where all this belly fat came from, I hardly eat that much.

Early in my career as a weight loss coach, whenever I heard a client say this, I would smile a knowing smile and encourage them to use a food diary which I ‘knew’ would reveal how and when they were consuming the  excess calories which showed up as their belly fat.

As I grew older and took on more family and professional responsibilities, became more concerned about the future of the ‘young generation’, crime, global warming, facilities for the aged and a myriad of other issues, the growing fat in my own belly led me to look beyond the food diary or lack of effective exercise regime to find answers to “where did this belly fat come from?

Emotions That Cause Fat Belly

For a majority of persons, the belly is where they put all the mental and emotional stuff that they find difficult to deal with; emotions such as anger, or frustration, jealousy, uncertainty, disappointments, hurts and traumas.

The belly sometimes holds deep childhood scars of rejection or abandonment or abuse; negative thoughts fueled by feelings of lack of self-worth and anxieties about survival and success. The physiological effect of negative emotions, especially on the belly has been extensively studied from the self-eviscerating of the sea urchin when attached to instant diarrhea on receiving bad news to the release of cortisol and the storing of belly fat in humans undergoing stress.

Using EFT

Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT is a tool that can be employed to release negative thought patterns and feelings that arose from past situations; it can help restore the body healthy energy patterns.

Think about EFT as acupuncture without the needles. In EFT you tap on specific points on your hand, face or upper body known as meridians. When you tap on these points while focusing a problem with an underlying emotional cause, your tapping send pulses of energy through the meridians to release the existing energy disruption and restore balance in the body thereby allowing healing or reversal of the offending condition.

In tapping you should affirm the possible or known cause of your emotional disturbance and the state of emotional balance your wish to now attain.

Tapping to Release Belly Fat in 5 Steps

Step 1 – Identify possible negative emotions you are holding in your belly: lack of career advancement, feeling/fears of failure, parental neglect or abuse as a child.

Step 2 – On a scale of 1-10 identify the intensity of the emotional discomfort that comes up for you in relation to this situation.

Step 3 – Create your affirmation. Say, even though I feel this (name your feeling), I deeply and completely accept myself

Step 4 – Say your affirmation out loud and tap the following points in sequence, about 5 to 7 times each; top of the head, eyebrow, side of the eye, under eye, under nose, chin, collarbone, under arm and then go back to the top of the head.

Step 5 – Take a deep breath and  visualize  the exhalation of all the negative emotions. Take note of how intensely you feel the negative emotion you wanted to release. If the feelings have an intensity of more than two on a scale of one to ten repeat the process.

An Honest Conclusion

On your journey to get flat, fit and fabulous again, why not use the whole arsenal of tools available to you? Why not tip the scales in your favor and incorporate EFT for Free? EFT will help you address those hidden and hurtful issues deep inside your belly. Begin with these 5 steps  for a more detailed explanation and guidance to identify and deal with core emotional issues that may be the source of you belly fat check video instructions by EFT masters or out Gary Craig extensive work on EFT for weight loss

    2 replies to "Release Belly Fat in 5 Steps"

    • madhura dole

      ho w to reduce belly fat and have weight loss by the doing eft

    • Kim

      Wow! Just read your post and my head is spinning. I guess my biggest issue now would be that I don’t know what kind of emotional trauma could have lead to the fat stored in my belly area. Is it enough to just affirm the balance that I want to attain? What do I say? Something like…”I want to release ANY and ALL emotional trauma that’s causing my belly fat. I want to have a flat belly.”
      Do I tap with a finger or a flat hand or does it matter? Do I tap the right side of my body, the left side (eyebrow, side of the eye, under eye areas are unilateral) or both sides?
      Thank you for this post. I’ve had belly fat for as long as I can remember. Doesn’t seem like any amount of exercise will even make a dent in it. This information has been a real eyeopener!
      Thank you.

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