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 6 Weeks Sustainable Weight Loss Coaching Program

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"How To Stop Yo-Yo Dieting, Escape The Weight Roller Coaster and Sustain Your Weight Loss "

" You Deserve A Life You Enjoy And Look Forward To Everyday, Without Chronic Pains, Repeated Doctor visits, Prescriptions or Constant Worry About Your Health "

From The Desk of
Andrea Blackwood-Harriott, PhD.
Red Hills, St. Andrew, JA.


Dear friend,

It is a FACT!

Many 40+Female professionals are worried about not having enough energy and vitality to accomplish the dreams they still have for their life.

"They have developed habits of overwork , self-neglect and putting the needs of others before their own. Lack of attention to diet and healthy lifestyle choices has led to impaired metabolism, excess weight and lifestyle related ailments".

Is this your experience?

What Worked In Your 20'S And 30'S Just Don't Work Anymore. Insanity Exercises, Low calorie food rations and heart pumping energy drink ,leave you drained and shaky and the pounds don’t budge

It does not seem to matter which diet program you choose, the story is the same. "eat better, eat less, exercise more… try harder."

And the outcome is the same, either the scale doesn't budge or the weight you ‘succeeded in losing’ comes right back in 4-6 months.

You have lost and regained the same 10 or 30 pounds over and over again, AND your baseline weight has also been gradually increasing.

Perhaps you are now the heaviest you have ever been in your life and you feel trapped in this cycle of gaining and losing weight unable to create the healthy lifestyle that you dream of

In this situation, its natural to beat upon and criticise yourself day after day for what you did or didn’t do in the area of your self-care?

You may even feel SHAME .

Shame for the self-neglect, for your expanding waistline and the closet with almost new "brand name" suits and dresses, that no longer fit?

Shame for the frequent bouts of breathlessness and your growing stash of prescription medication

"How Every Female Professional Can Get and Sustain A Healthy Weight, Even if You've Tried Before... And Failed!

Hi, I am Andrea Blackwood-Harriott.

I know what it is like to be on a weight loss roller coaster.

I know what it is like to get swept up in professional responsibilities and let my own self-care fall by the wayside.

There was a day when I was focused on checking into my flight to go to Mexico the next day for a trade show, that my my doctor has to repeat three times that he was checking me into a hospital instead.
Many nights, I did not have the energy to read my daughter her bedtime story.

She would regularly climb out of the bed and leave me sleeping.

At the height of my professional corporate career, and 42 years old. I weighed 203 pounds and was taking the same prescription medicines for arthritis as my 72-year old mom.

This was a turning point for me.

I had been "chubby" all my life but did not know that excess fat could make me sick.

Losing weight significantly decreased the inflammation and pain in my body and increased my overall health.
In 1996 I began a career as wellness coach, to increase the commitment to my own wellness practice and help others lose weight and regain their vitality.

I have had a successful wellness practice, helping hundreds of women per year and keeping my own weight loss and health in check.

But ...

Periodically MY LIFE would again get out of balance AND I would suffer a weight rebound.

It puzzled me that I could be achieving success in many areas of my professional life but failing to take care of myself or give adequate attention to family and community

Eventually my own family dissolved and I was almost back at 200 pounds. 

I went on a journey to reconnect with myself, to figure out how to prioritise healthy choices , break free from the weight loss roller coaster and reclaim my vitality and passion for life.

On that journey I connected with some amazing coaches and teachers in the fields quantum physics, psychology, neuroscience and generative learning and became a certified Feminine Power coach and facilitator.

Today, I've renewed my passion to help busy professional women move from weight loss struggle to success and sustainability.

My expertise now, is to jam the wheel and derail the weight loss roller coaster so that you can finally get off, and create a healthy life full of vitality and self confidence

And that's not as hard as you may think.

It can be done without disrupting those aspects of your life that you are most proud of.
I help you to learn how to establish good self-care habits which will actually free up more time for you, improve your energy, and help you get back your sense of fulfilment and fun.

And then ...

How you greet your day is completely different.
How you end your day is also completely different.
Step by step, your life will take on new energy and a whole new meaning.

Clients have called me “The Reshape Doc”, “ The Wellness Transformation Maven” the Weight Loss Alchemist even "The Sorceress”

Take your pick…

My mission is to help professional women such as yourself, stop crazy dieting, say good bye to the weight loss roller coaster and attain sustainable weight loss.

Imagine loving your body, living with confidence and vitality,
prioritising your self care and working productively with balanced intensity.

Here's to Your Success

A. Blackwood-Harriott, PhD.

"Do You Habitually Neglect Your Self-Care And Often Feel Powerless
Around Food You KNOW You Should Not Be Eating..."

You are tearing your hair out, wondering what can you do differently to re-prioritise you self care. You feel stuck wondering how to balance the million and one things currently on your plate, beat off your cravings for salt, sweet and crunch , and find time to fit a demanding c exercise schedule which you feel is the only thing that helped you keep your weight in check.

You do not really want to grab the most convenient food at work because you know it's not the best fo you, but you are too tired and overwhelmed to explore any other option. 

The way you are now working is beginning to diminish your sense of accomplishment and joy.

For more days than you want to recall, you get the feeling of being on a hamster wheel going as fast as you can but not achieving what you need to. 

You are more and more reluctant to accept social invitations – the wedding, college reunion, the cruise... because your clothes do not fit you as well as they used to.

You are terrified to show up with the extra 20 or 40 pounds you have gained, and you are not looking as good (in fact you look terrible) in a bathing suit.

It should not be this hard to fit yourself and
YOUR NEEDS into the YOUR routine"

The habit of being at the bottom or dropping off your own "to-do" list has become more acute in recent times.

It is a growing pandemic within the COVID pandemic that women professionals are at the forefront in spending less time on self care, losing some of their earlier health gains and are at the forefront of those gaining the extra "COVID -15" pounds,

I have found a process that make it easy for you to be in the driver's seat of directing what you eat, when you eat , how you exercise and find time to fit in a self-care practice.

In fact you can use this framework to change habits in ANY area of your life that you are seeking to improve..

The framework will allow you to end wasted time and money PLUS the embarassment of failing over and over again .

"Develop The Habits That Will Lead to Sustainable Weight Loss And Enable
You To Live At A Healthy Weight With Vitality And Self Confidence "

I am aware that there are many coaches that will provide CHECKLIST of what you need to do to lose weight. You will see list such as :

Mindful eating

Avoid triggers

Increase Exercise

Improve your nutrition

However studies suggest that your success rate will increase tenfold if in addition to a checklist you also have a detailed RECIPE plus ACCOUNTABILITY

The Framework in Sustainable Weight Loss for Busy Professionals will tip the scales in YOUR favor, and improve the odds of your developing and sustaining new healthy habits..."

I want you to be able to access and master the secrets to successfully change your habits Sustainable Weight Loss for Busy Professionals tells you how to develop the habits that will help you reach and sustain a healthy, vibrant body, and awesome self-confidence in 30-60 days.

I offer you what took me 24 years, hundreds of miles of travel and thousands of dollars invested in coaches and courses, to put together, in a nontechnical easy to understand way.

I have been using elements of this framework to help a few of my coaching clients. Initially I used worksheets, affirmations and generative coaching without delving into the science of habit formation and challenging of beliefs.

Many outstanding teachers, scholars have now popularized the science and principles of habit formation and change , and have laid the foundation for me to be able to release this work in a way that is more coherent and easy to understand .

My goal is to enable you to get into action quickly instead of spending a lot of your time studying the roots about how to form new habits in your life.

I have done some heavy lifting for you.


I Am Offering To Be Your Coach, Your Mentor and Guide to Get You to a Position Where You Will Lose Weight and Sustain it and No Longer Fear Weight Rebound

But In Addition To this:

You Will be able to WEAR what you WANT and feel good in your skin.

You will have other WOMEN WONDER if you have had a recent FACE LIFT

You will SURPRISE your DOCTOR at your next visit

If you ever played sporting game, learned to ride a bicycle or drive a car, you know that certain skills require the hands-on assistance of a coach.

Someone to stand or sit next to you and give you insider tips and tricks to improve your learning and practice.

This is what I promise to do in the Sustainable Weight Loss for Busy professionals.

"The Sustainable Weight Loss For Busy Professionals ..."

Is an Intensive Coaching Support Program To Help You to Develop and Sustain the Healthy Habits Needed to Keep You Off the Weight Loss Roller Coaster...

The Sustainable Weight Loss for Busy Professional Coaching Intensive is a series of LIVE weekly Masterclasses that teach you everything you need to know about how to develop and sustain the goal oriented habits you need to successfully lose weight and not ever worry about backsliding into bad habits, "losing your discipline" and experiencing weight rebound.

I am looking for a small group (15-20) of clients to go through the LIVE version of this program with me .

Because of the personal attention I am committing to give to each individual I can only take a limited number of you at this time.


This means that :

You get PREMIUM access and influence. You will have direct access to me and be able to influence the final design of this and subsequent versions of this coaching program.

​​You will have access to all the information and direct coaching at a fraction of the cost of a 1 on 1 program

​You have the another opportunity to revisit your 2022 health and wellness goals although the peak exercise and fitness period has officially ended

​​​Many women are now terrified as they think about giving up, their sweat pants, baggy shirts and Covid-19 attire. How are they going to integrate into the new normal , when the odds are now stacked against them. A program such as this could be the answer they have been searching for.

Be a member of a small exclusive group of
clients to go through the LIVE VERSION of the 
"Sustainable Weight Loss For Busy Professionals Coaching Intensive

Sustainable Weight Loss For
Busy Professionals Coaching Intensive

6 LIVE Masterclasses


Session #1


Assess the gap between where you are on critical body metrics relative to what represents an optimal level of wellness for your age and activity profile. This will make your program more tailored to your goals instead of you getting a one size fit all solution.

You will also be coached how to develop Food Guidelines that you will stick to going forward way beyond this program. This is to ensure your greatest success when choosing foods and begin the process of becoming emotionally unhooked from trigger foods.

Session #2


Learn how and why you can get back to your natural state of being lean. Take a peep at the main development in the quality of diets especially in the last 60 years so that you are prepared and equipped to resist the manipulative tactics of the modern food industry.

Awareness is the first stage of Change, and you will feel more empowered about your new food choices.

Session #3


Take the virtual Red Pill and recognize how you were unknowingly trapped inside a simulated reality that leads you to prioritize eating for pleasure over nutrition and vitality.

Develop a renewed sense of purpose and wholeness in which you can look forward to regain control of your life and your eating, get off the diet treadmill and live confidently at your healthy ideal size

Session #4


Learn How the Goal Programming System (GPS) around food, that you were born with, was hijacked and corrupted. Take back control of your internal food GPS, reprogram it and change the preferences and routines so that they will once again support and maintain healthy habits.

Audit current habits and clarify two outcomes/desires you wish to begin working on.

Session #5


Implement the 5 step process you have learned to reboot the body -brain connection and practice your identified new habits (resulting from our conscious decisions) so that you will imprint in your brain and body the mechanics of installing and automating a new habit.

Session #6


A Ninja Secret To Make New Habits Stick . It is the secret glue that makes habits stick.

You will also be empowered to find creative ways to use this glue and will soon discover that this can be applied to many different areas of your life.

BONUS #1: 

"Habit Success Conversation Cafe" Live Q&A

Six (6)Weekly sessions to Get your questions answered, get you unstuck and allow you to build unstoppable momentum toward installing your new healthy habits.($1297 Value)

BONUS #2: 

"Habit Success Implementation Toolkit"

A collection of every tool, template and guide you need to easily speed implementation and reduce trial and error.($597 Value)

BONUS #3: 

"Habit Success Journey" Exclusive Community Membership"

A private Facebook group of like-minded, paradigm changing women, networking for peer learning and support. ($297 Value)

BONUS #4: 

"Habit Success Implemenation Matermind "

Access a mentoring and support group to solidify your new success habits and/or build new reinforcing habits for FREE for 4 MONTHS after the official end of the coaching program.
($788 Value)

Total Value: $5,976
You Get It ALL Today For:


(That’s over 80% OFF!)

"Use A Proven 5-STEP Process To..."

Change habits in ANY
area of your life ​

​Prioritise actions for
complex projects

​Be in the driver's seat of any change you need to make

​Stop wasting time/money on experimentation

Achieve outstanding
goals ​

​Master and permanently incorporate new healthy habits into your life

Here's What Others Are Saying About Us

"Never Thought I Would See My Collar Bones Again.. ."

I had been on a successful weight loss program before but my weight became a challenge in the last five years and the old solution no longer worked for me.

I now understand better how to work with food, stress and commitment.

~Ruby M., Entrepreneur
Kingston Jamaica

Got Rid Of Stubborn Fat In My Mid-Section...

"I have been on a health and wellness journey for about nineteen years and I still learned a lot.

Eating healthier fats and drinking more water was new to me, yet these are two of the changes that made the biggest difference in helping me get rid of the stubborn fat in my mid-section.

I am over 50 years old and the fat in my mid sections has always been a challenge. I now know something new that I can use to help women who are struggling with the mid-section weight."

~Andria G. , Wellness Coach
Atlanta, GA.

"Sign Up NOW For the
 "Sustainable Weight Loss For Busy Professional Coaching Intensive..."

(For Just $997)

There Is NO CATCH!

NONE At all...

I have been doing weight loss and reshape your shape coaching for over 20 years.

Most of my clients get awesome results during the coaching program, however many experience difficulties when they are on their own. They slip back into old habits and regain some or all of their weight over time.
I know this does not have to be the case.

If you have worked with me before and returned to old habits of you are feeling or thinking “what is the point of attempting to change if you will not be able to sustain the changes?
I want you to have this information in a way you can understand and apply it.

I believe it can change your life

Time Is Of The Essence...

This Is A LIMITED OFFER At This Price.
Here Is My "You've Gotta Be Crazy" Guarantee

Here is my promise to you…

If you go through this program and have not been able to identify your key self sabotaging habits around losing weight, developing and sustaining a healthy lifestyle,

Have a clearly mapped out habit change plan that YOU CAN IMPLEMENT in 30-60 days to lose weight and develop habits that will lead to sustaining your weight loss results, I will gladly coach you until you have a solid implementation plan.


"Andrea Is A Powerful Guide On This Journey Of Health And Well-Being..."

I learned so much about myself and my body. I feel uniquely empowered.

This takes you on a journey of personal discovery about habits that support your well-being. You can be in control of your life.

If you believe that success in losing weight is only for others… you will be pleasantly surprised.
There is a ferocity that Andrea brings, in standing for the success of her clients, that I have not experienced before"

~Cynthia O., Feminine Power Coach and Facilitator
Vancouver, British Columbia

Why Wait ?!

Why would you wait another day?

Why would you want to continue to be the last item on your ‘to-do’ list?

YOU are supposed to be your Number One priority.

Is your heart telling you to join this program?
Are you feeling it’s your time to put yourself first …?

There's no one more important than YOU to take care of.
The better care you take of yourself the greater is your energy
and capacity to care for others!


I am looking for a small group of 15 to 20 clients to go through the LIVE version of this program with me .

"Be A Member Of This Small Exclusive VIP Group Of Client 

to Go Through To Sustainable Weight Loss
for Busy Professionals Coaching Intensive.

Take Advantage of the Option to Participate as Partner / Collaborator In Future Sustainable Weight Loss For Busy Professionals Coaching Intensive Programs


(Open to first 10 who register)


1/2 Day Virtual Whole Life Strategy Retreat

This retreat will be held after the official end of the Getting To Sustainable Weight Loss program.

There are 8 core areas of striving in a woman’s life. Losing weight and body transformation can lead to breakthroughs in many other areas.

This VIRTUAL retreat will elevate your awareness and allow you to become conscious of these other areas. It will guide you to intentionally develop additional habits of transformation that will enable you to live a happy purpose driven life.

($897 Value)

Here's One Last Recap Of Everything
You'll Get Today With Your Order

Sustainable Weight Loss For
Busy Professionals Coaching Intensive

6 LIVE Masterclasses


Session #1


Assess the gap between where you are on critical body metrics relative to what represents an optimal level of wellness for your age and activity profile. This will make your program more tailored to your goals instead of you getting a one size fit all solution.

You will also be coached how to develop Food Guidelines that you will stick to going forward way beyond this program. This is to ensure your greatest success when choosing foods and begin the process of becoming emotionally unhooked from trigger foods.

Session #2


Learn how and why you can get back to your natural state of being lean. Take a peep at the main development in the quality of diets especially in the last 60 years so that you are prepared and equipped to resist the manipulative tactics of the modern food industry.

Awareness is the first stage of Change, and you will feel more empowered about your new food choices.

Session #3


Take the virtual Red Pill and recognize how you were unknowingly trapped inside a simulated reality that leads you to prioritize eating for pleasure over nutrition and vitality.

Develop a renewed sense of purpose and wholeness in which you can look forward to regain control of your life and your eating, get off the diet treadmill and live confidently at your healthy ideal size

Session #4


Learn How the Goal Programming System (GPS) around food, that you were born with, was hijacked and corrupted. Take back control of your internal food GPS, reprogram it and change the preferences and routines so that they will once again support and maintain healthy habits.

Audit current habits and clarify two outcomes/desires you wish to begin working on.

Session #5


Implement the 5 step process you have learned to reboot the body -brain connection and practice your identified new habits (resulting from our conscious decisions) so that you will imprint in your brain and body the mechanics of installing and automating a new habit.

Session #6


A Ninja Secret To Make New Habits Stick . It is the secret glue that makes habits stick.

You will also be empowered to find creative ways to use this glue and will soon discover that this can be applied to many different areas of your life.

BONUS #1: 

"Habit Success Conversation Cafe" Live Q&A

Six (6)Weekly sessions to Get your questions answered, get you unstuck and allow you to build unstoppable momentum toward installing your new healthy habits.($1297 Value)

BONUS #2: 

"Habit Success Implementation Toolkit"

A collection of every tool, template and guide you need to easily speed implementation and reduce trial and error.($597 Value)

BONUS #3: 

"Habit Success Journey" Exclusive Community Membership"

A private Facebook group of like-minded, paradigm changing women, networking for peer learning and support. ($297 Value)

BONUS #4: 

"Habit Success Implemenation Matermind "

Access a mentoring and support group to solidify your new success habits and/or build new reinforcing habits for FREE for 4 MONTHS after the official end of the coaching program.
($788 Value)


"1/2 Day Virtual Whole Life Strategy Retreat"

Elevate your awareness of the 8 core areas of striving in a woman’s life and develop habits in those that will propel you to your goal of living a healthy, happy and purpose driven life (Value $897) ... open only to the first 10 persons to register

Total Value: $5,976
You Get It ALL Today For:


(That’s over 80% OFF!)

Take Action Today: Develop The Healthy Habits That Lead To Losing Weight For GOOD, Improved Vitality AND Self Confidence In As Little As 30 - 60 Days..."

Sustainable Weight Loss For
Busy Professionals Intensive NOW!!!

YES Andrea! Give Me Instant Access To The 'Sustainable Weight Loss for Busy Professionals Coaching Intensive' RIGHT NOW For Just $997.00

6 LIVE Masterclasses



Session #1

BONUS: Plus These Benefits

BONUS #1: "Habit Success Cafe" Live Q&A
BONUS #2: "Habit Success Implementation Toolkit"
BONUS #3: "Habit Success Journey" Exclusive Community Membership"
BONUS # 4: "Habit Success Implemenation Matermind "
FAST ACTION BONUS: "1/2 Day Virtual Whole Life Strategy Retreat" Open only to the first 10 persons to register

Give Me Instant Access To The 'Sustainable Weight Loss for Busy Professionals Coaching Intensive' RIGHT NOW For Just $997.00!

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