Have you ever decided to lose weight and belly fat, began a program to change your eating habits and adapt a fat burning exercise regime and two of three weeks into the program you begin to make your own modifications.Holding a time bomb

Can I just lose the belly? – I want to keep my boobs and butt just as they are
If I have to give up chocolate or jerk pork I’d rather be fat
180 pounds! I can’t get to 180 pounds; I don’t remember ever being 180 pounds. I would look awful
I can’t afford to ruin my hair style with all that exercise and sweating or
I am not going to survive on that diet that you are giving me.

Understanding the need to develop their flat belly mindset is where most women struggle and get off track in their weight and fat loss journey.

The self-sabotaging dialogue goes on 24/7 in your head, one modification leads to another before long you are unable to resist peer pressure to drink that extra glass of wine, that extra serving of dessert, stay out an extra few hours at nights or miss one of your scheduled exercise classes.

A Growing body of evidence to suggest that your mindset is by far the single greatest contributor to weight maintenance

A flat belly mindset with keep your committed to taking the daily actions that will become part of a new habit or pattern for maintaining a sleek sexy body.

Moreover without this mindset any changes in your diet or the simplest exercise routine becomes a major source of stress.

Stress causes the release of the hormone cortisol which prompts us to eat, lowers our post-meal metabolism and stashes fat in our midsection.

What is a Flat Belly Mindset

It is an Upfront Decision to Succeed

When you decide to succeed you cut off all options that do not support your success. This means that you’ll want to have a mindset that is fast to adjust to any situation that comes your way. If you have a change of schedule or plans for instance, you can still make some healthy food choices or adapt your workout so that it fits in with your day.

This means that you find a way to navigate away from or around cookies, fried foods, heavy sugar laced deserts, excessive alcohol, long unplanned days that leave no time for exercise or  robs you of the 7-8 hours that should be reserved for your rejuvenating and stress busting sleep

 It is How you Feel About You

Developing a flat belly mindset is a resolve, an emotional set point that says I am doing this and I am doing this now: I am doing this until I look in the mirror and the person looking back at me is fit and fabulous with a flat belly. Its all about loving yourself, developing a knowing that whatever your physical in the moment appearance, you were perfectly and wonderfully made and you have the power to reshape your shape. It is a sense of ‘deserve’. You deserve this, just as much as the children that deserve to be loved and fed and taken care of, just like the boss deserve a full day’s work for a full day’s pay. If not you then who will take care of your body?.

It is Letting Go of Fear

Many women are just too scared to try again. To put 100% of effort into weight loss program because the last time they failed – in front of their friends or family and are not prepared to pour public humiliation on top of the private shame they carry every day.

Others  use their weight as a cover-up so that they don’t have to deal with other issues in their lives that bother them, such as abandonment, insecurity or self-esteem.  They find it easier to place the blame for their unhappiness on their body than to address the real factors that are often causing the pain.

Or it may be that your sisters are fat, your mother is fat all the important female figures in your life are fat, who are you to think you can ever be any other way but Fat. If this negative self-talk begin to set in reach for some inspirational stories. Know that if women anywhere in the world can shake off the weight of the examples around them, lose weight and reshape their bodies so can you.

Losing Weight and Belly Fat Begins In the Mind

Do you sometimes wish there was a pill or a drink that you took before going to bed and it allowed you to wake up ten pounds lighter? When you realize that this is unlikely to happen you decide to get started on program to achieve that ideal weight you’ve been dreaming of and to have better self-esteem and energy to go out and enjoy every day of your life.

Take the following steps to begin developing your flat belly mindset

Decide you will get to your healthy weight.

Visualize this target; look at persons with your height and body type who are already at their healthy weight. Ask your weight loss coach to provide actual or visual examples of this for you. Many women make the mistake of simply telling themselves what they want to lose weight. The problem they encounter with this is that they do not lock in on their desired weight on a subconscious level. Lock in on two emotionally significant reasons why you want to lose weight and belly fat and imagine how it would feel when all that fat is gone from your body – stop and do that now

Decide what you are going to change

You are going to have to change some eating habits as well as your daily activity level. Attempts to find a way to avoid these and achieve weight loss fast are pretty near impossible. Get the information and set your expectations based on what you are committed to doing. This will tap into your subconscious and start your mind on thinking about specific actions that will motivate you

Get Support

Women who have turned to practices like NLP or self-hypnosis, along with a proper exercise routine and diet regimen, have significantly increased their success rate when it came to losing weight permanently and basically imbibing a healthier lifestyle. It is possible for affirmations to work in order for you. Affirmation is a simple and powerful tool you can learn in a hour that could lead to lifetime of health and weight management.

Group support has also been shown as a game changing factor for attaining and maintaining healthy weight.

Take Daily Actions

“People Make habits and habits make champions”. Make the commitment to be consistent and to have fun being consistent. get started on  developing your flat belly mindset by stating your weight loss affirmations out loud every day and rewiring your psychological syntax by developing a routine. You can’t go to the gym just a few times and hope to achieve permanent results. Eating the remainder of your daughter’s dinner matters, so does just one scoop of ice cream or the extra half of potato that was just ‘sitting there’

Finally – Be Patient.

You have entered the garden of the mind, be careful how you uproot the weeds, lest you destroy also the fledging seeds. Just keep going. Nature your flat belly mindset first, know what outcomes you want and trust that everything else will fall into place

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