There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that your emotional state is by far the single greatest contributor to maintaining healthy levels of belly fat and body weight

Don’t Think I can do this

Quite often I even see clients who have a normal body mass index (BMI) but clinically unhealthy levels of belly fat.

If you have ever bought expensive exercise equipment, registered for a gym program, restocked your pantry and refrigerator with healthy food alternatives, but just cant seem to make the program ‘work for you’ then  consider that your emotional factors have the upper hand and will sabotage all your weight loss efforts until you develop your flat belly mindset.

Without your flat belly mindset it will be impossible for you to lose weight and belly fat

Five Signs that you need to develop your Flat Belly Mindset

1. Binge Eating – recurrent out of control eating episodes in which you end up eating too much food most of which are unhealthy. Binge eating gives you a momentary  emotional high but you quickly crash, depressed , flooded by  feelings  of guilty or may even feel physically ill as your body try to deal with the toxic substances you just fed it.

2. Not sticking to Your Eating Guidelines – You have done your wellness profile and have been given a nutrition guideline that covers  your daily requirement of protein, fats, fiber and carbohydrate based on your wellness goals. Before the week is out you find one excuse after the other to throw these guidelines are out the door.

3. Subconsciously telling yourself you are going to fail… Again – A major manifestation of this is that you begin to recount how many times before you have failed in your weight loss efforts or in life. Approaching weight loss with the emotional weight and potential trauma of the pass /fail events experienced at turning points in your career or life development is a potent sign that you need to develop your flat belly mindset

4. Being Afraid of what people say or may be thinking about you – This shows itself in your sensitivity to any comments at all about your weight or appearance. A negative comment could leave you so wounded that you are unable to function efficiently or adhere to any weight management regime for days. You have somehow come to associate who you are with people’s opinion of you

5. A focus on all the problems and obstacles instead of a drive for the success you seek – It is too hot or too cold to exercise, you can take pills, you hate food, you can’t find the ingredients where you live, there are problems at work or at home or…? And on and on you go

Examine the Self Limiting Beliefs Blocking Your Flat Belly Mindset

These may include fear of letting go – you have identified with being a fat person for so long, you are afraid of the new person you might become and the new expectations life may have of her. Or you may have unrealistic expectations about what is required or how long it will take to get to a healthy weight.

To uncover some of these self-limiting belief I sit with clients and have them make a list of all the reason why their efforts to lose weight and belly fat could fail. Next we list all the reason why the program will succeed including reviewing success stories and testimonials. Finally we look at the payoffs in very personal terms and convert those to affirmations.

Sometime there is the need for separate efforts and a timeframe to deal with self-limiting beliefs. One of the best self-help system to re-program your mindset  is  Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz

Know that you can lose weight and belly fat. Trust yourself that you can develop the flat belly mindset essential for your success, be guided to a coach and a program that really supports you to be your highest self and then trust program and  process

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