Should I care about appearance?
Should I Even Care?

Here is the number one reason why you should bother with how you look.

Before someone have a chance to know who you really are, the physical signals
you send with your appearance, shape how they will  perceive you long before you open your mouth.

And when your natural youthful beauty begins to fade, it is even more important to put your best ‘face’ forward as this will determine how you are greeted and whether or not you will be given a chance to show what you know or can still do.

Many of us are spoiled by the internet.

We do not have to suit up and show up personally.

Although I do my best to eat healthy, take my herbalife supplements, exercise and remove stress and emotional toxins from my life.

The last three years have been challenging. I disappeared from the public radar, my health and appearance declined and it took faith and persistence to regain my health and lose the extra weight I gained after all the trials and tribulations that nearly killed.

I am  currently shopping for clothes because nothing fits anymore.

Last month I  decided to go to a  leadership development weekend related to my wellness business.
I desperately pulled a couple old pieces together and got tons of complements about a particular dress I wore.

Adding her share of complement,one of my long standing friends remarked that she remembered my wearing that same dress ten (10) years ago

Andrea wearing her classic peach dress April 2013
Peach Dress April 2013

 Actually it was over 13 years ago.

 I made (yes made it myself) that dress in 1999  and by sheer chance I found a picture of  me after a  wedding reception in Toronto in July 2000. I think the dress looked even better in the more recent photo. Excuse the event tag I had no intention of publishing the picture when it was taken.

In terms of clothes I do not consider myself a fashionistia. I was not one  at age 18 and certainly not one at 58 but I always had some basic rules has kept my wardrobe chic, timeless and personalized.

Here are a few rules that I follow:

Classic clothes are always in stule
Same Peach Dress 2000

1)   Be knowledgeable about your body shape and the pros and cons for dressing to flatter your body.At my best I have a  hourglass shape. With a little stress  I become a pear or worse…an apple

Channel 4 has a great archive of resources in photos’, articles and videos to give you great clarity on how to dress to enhance your body type.

 2)   Chose colours that complement your skin and personality. I have a peachy skin undertone and  (usually) a big bright personality. I look great in peach, pink, mustard, or teal next to my face.

Here is a quick start self help video if you have not explored what colours suits you before now.

3)   If you are size 10 or above  then you will always be ready for your special occasion  if you choose a single dark colour (top and bottom) that is slimming and versatile.

A single color or monochromatic tone-on-tone tricks create the illusion of straight thin line which will make you look taller and slimmer. As a bonus, especially if you are still on the journey to your ideal body weight then accentuate with a vertical scarf

Use a contrasting toned scarf to deepen the slimming effect or complementing color to bring attention to your face if you wish to highlight that part of your body. See tip given by style expert Deborah Boland  for a fuller explanation.

4)   Get a pair of white pants. (I  Know you  already have the little black dress) With summer approaching the versatile white pants will ensure that you do not feel left out or waste endless time trying to decide what to wear to the brunch, the movie or just a get together with friends.

Here are the most helpful /advice rules I have found for wearing a white pants came from

a. Always wear neutral (flesh toned) undergarments. Many women mistakenly wear white or dark undergarments. These will show through.

b. Pair white pants with a neutral shoe. In particular avoid white to keep yourself from looking like a nurse

c. Don’t wear  your white pant “too-tight”  as white tends to show every imperfection. Some stylist even recommends that If the pockets are showing through, cut them out!

d. Find a ‘great to perfect’ fit for your body type.Team your white pants with different length and style tops or blouses or short dresses for variety and impact.

5)   Finally, find a fashion hub that you can relate to and rely on to bring you the latest trends and ideas that suits your personality and stage of life.

I visited a great on-line clothes site that according to the owner is supposed to save women then time and energy of wading through tons of items dedicated to women in their prime who wants to be “chic but not intimidating.” 

What I really loved about this site is that the items are categorized by occasion and if you mouse over an item you will get ideas how to incorporate an item into a complete outfit for mother’s day, and the weeks ahead or any special occasion .

Leave me a comment please!

I would love to know your views on the importance of appearance and to hear the rules you use to put your best face forward.

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