Eating the wrong foods – the fatty, smoked preserved type, not enough sunlight, not enough exercise, cigarette smoking. prolonged stress and of course getting fat  are proving to be major causes of cancer.

A recent article by Herbalife President’s Team member Dr Anthony Vendryes look at lifestyle
and dietary choices that you use that to actually give your self cancer 

CANCER is the SECOND biggest killer of people worldwide. Present, statistics indicate that one third of the population will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Although many have been led to believe that we do not know why people get cancer. The truth is that we do know a lot about what causes cancer and increase our cancer risk by how we treat our bodies.

Just this week, cancer researchers announced that you can increase your risk of getting a deadly cancer called pancreatic cancer by a whopping 19 percent by simply including one sausage or two slices of bacon in your daily diet.

Follow Dr Vendryes instructions below and you can give yourself almost any form of cancer desirable: breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer or even leukemia. Or you may use the information to avoid and protect yourself from this deadly disease.

You need to be aware that there are cancerous cells in the body of every person at any given moment. To get diagnosed with cancer, just make sure your immune system is sufficiently suppressed so that your body cannot destroy those cancer cells on a regular basis. If you weaken your immune system by an unhealthy lifestyle, then it won’t be able to do its job of protecting your body and, as a result, cancer can become a full-blown disease in no time. Here are his deadly instructions:

Eat the wrong foods

Consume food ingredients that actually promote cancer. One of the most powerful cancer-promoting food ingredients of all is called sodium nitrate. This is an ingredient that is added to virtually all packaged meat products including hot dogs, pepperoni, ham, luncheon meat and other similar products. You can also find it in bacon, sausages and most breakfast meats. It is listed right on the ingredients labels of all of these foods. Look for sodium nitrate on the ingredients labels of various packaged meat products and purchase and consume them on a frequent basis. Before long, you will greatly increase your odds of being diagnosed with cancer.

Other ingredients that are suspected of causing cancer include hydrogenated oils, aspartame, saccharin and artificial colours, to name just a few. A diet that is very high in refined carbohydrates and sugar has also been shown to increase your odds of being diagnosed with cancer. Be sure to get plenty of these foods in your pro-cancer diet. Eat white bread, sweetened breakfast cereals, donuts, candy bars, cookies, crackers and sweets of all kinds and make sure to avoid fruit, vegetables and all forms of fibre.

Get fat

The more excess body fat you possess, especially around the waistline, the greater your cancer risk. These fat cells are not just inert blobs of oil. They are metabolically active creating in your body a state of chronic inflammation and hormone imbalance that strongly facilitates the development of many cancers.

Avoid all sunlight

Natural sunlight is a powerful prevention against cancer. People who get plenty of natural sunlight have a greatly reduced risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer, breast cancer and many other disorders that aren’t cancer-related, such as osteoporosis and mental depression. By staying out of the sun or using sun block and sunscreen every time you are in the sun, you can lower your body’s protection from cancer. This is because your body’s production of vitamin D is dependent on sun exposure. If you find it difficult to avoid the sun, just get a night shift job where you work all night and sleep all day. That’s a hugely successful pro-cancer strategy.

Do not exercise

Exercise helps your body prevent cancer. Body movement moves lymphatic fluid around while elevating your oxygen levels, and these are important for your immune system’s fight against cancer cells. If you do not move, you will increase your odds of being diagnosed with this disease. Avoid anti cancer exercises such as deep-breathing, yoga and rebounding using a trampoline.

Take on all the Stress you can

Strategies for giving yourself cancer have one thing in common: the suppression of your natural immune system. Chronic stress greatly elevates the levels of a stress hormone called cortisol. High cortisol levels powerfully suppress the immune system and may thus promote cancer. So, if you have been doing everything mentioned above but want to increase your odds even further, the very best thing you can do is to get yourself physically and mentally stressed out all the time.

Smoke cigarettes

One final great thing you can do to boost your odds to give yourself cancer is to take up the smoking habit. The more you smoke, the more likely you are to get cancer. By smoking, you will multiply the carcinogenic effect of everything else in your life.

By combining all of these strategies, you should be able to give yourself cancer without having to wait too long.

The reality is that most people are following this plan right now. Without realising it, they are giving themselves cancer by opting for these lifestyle choices. And when they are diagnosed with cancer, they are distressed and wonder why they are so unfortunate.  if you do not want to have cancer, you need to get off the cancer plan and start a prevention programme against this terrible disease.


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