Attention Women Leaders: 

Revitalise Your Confidence, Transform your Appearance,
Well-being, and Performance!.

I understand the overwhelming struggle you face with excess weight and the constant worry about weight-related health issues. You yearn to shed those pounds and embrace a healthier, more vibrant life. But here's the thing: you're tired of weight loss plans that leave you emotionally drained. You crave a program that effortlessly fits into your busy schedule, without leaving you hungry, irritable, or feeling deprived.  You Deserve:

A Holistic solution beyond weight loss 
An easy to follow eating plan
Effective tools to conquer triggers and maintain progress
An assurance of long-term sustainability of your  weight loss results 

I get it. I understand your biggest challenges and desires. And that's exactly why I've crafted a program designed to address your unique needs and empower you to achieve lasting results.

Here's The Problem:

Recognising you need to lose weight, you've tried previous weight loss programs. However...

Despite your knowledge of what needs to be done, you find yourself in a disheartening cycle of regaining weight.
Fuelling your concerns that you may not be able to achieve weight loss on your own and need to seek assistance once again.

The burden of excess weight is taking its toll, and you're starting to experience the adverse effects on your well-being.

Alarming signals of deteriorating health serve as a wake-up call, urging you to address the situation promptly.

While you make efforts to eat healthily most of the time, you grapple with the restrictions imposed by certain diets.

Deep down, you long for the freedom to occasionally indulge and bond with loved ones over food, without the constant guilt or limitations. 

Losing Weight and Keeping it Off Should NOT be this Hard!

Yearns for Unrestricted Socialising:

You are  reluctant to accept social invitations  fearing  that failure to lose the extra pounds will lead to an awkwardness and a discomfort of feeling like the oldest person in the room.

The simple pleasure of bonding over everyday food becomes a source of stress, as it tends to derail your committed diet plan, leaving you feeling isolated and trapped in a cycle of restriction.

Secretly Worry About Your Health

Your ultimate aspiration is to lead a life brimming with joy and anticipation, free from chronic pains, repeated doctor visits, prescriptions, and constant health-related worries.

The fear of losing mobility, independence, and prematurely relying on others for care looms in the back of your mind, urging you to take action now.

Place Yourself Last on Your Priority List

Despite remarkable achievements in your professional life, there's a deep sense of disappointment regarding self-care.

The stark contrast between your accomplishments and perceived failure in prioritising your well-being, weighs heavily on your heart. Your personal needs and  aspirations often take a backseat, to everything else in your demanding routine.

You Dread the Thought of Doing one more Weight Loss Program...and Failing.

Here's The Solution:

IMAGINE a life where excess body fat is a thing of the past, and weight-related health challenges are halted or reversed. Our program is tailored to bring this vision to reality.

Discover SIMPLE yet DELICIOUS food choices that not only taste great but also nourish your body, providing the vitality you need for your BEST life.

Equip yourself with EFFECTIVE tools and structures to stay committed to healthy living, even in the face of the most tempting and difficult situations.

Unlock the Power Within You:

EMPOWER yourself to live a LIFE you LOVE, while effortlessly maintaining a healthy weight. NOURISH your body  as a pillar of strength able to support your every move.
NOURISH your body  as a pillar of strength, able to support your every move.
Say GOODBYE to recurring ACHES and PAINS, and embrace a heightened focus and energy that propels you through each day with zest. 
LET GO the burdens of GUILT and SHAME, and find the perfect BALANCE in life, where you can joyfully indulge at a cocktail party without any need for repentance or purging. 

Together, we embark on a journey of TRANSFORMATION, guiding you towards lasting weight loss and a radiant, confident self. 

What If You Could Get This?

Imagine a program that guides you step-by-step in losing excess weight and equips you with the skills to conquer temptations, habits, and self-doubt, that often sabotage your wellness journey and peace of mind.


THE Lasting Weight Loss Accelerator 

"RESET For Lasting Weight Loss"

A transformative 12-week coaching program for women who are tired of repeating the same weight loss cycle and yearn for dramatic improvements in their health and vitality.

Unlock your path to lasting weight loss with expert coaching, personalised strategies, and deep insights. Say goodbye to the cycle of weight regain as we address underlying factors and nurture a positive relationship with food and your well-being. 

Are you ready to embrace a new chapter of empowerment and achieve the lasting weight loss you desire?

Get insights, tools and practices to effectively lose weight
Begin to improve your health by removing toxins, and eliminate the triggers and sources of inflammation and diseases from your body
Establish a sustainable and balanced approach to nutrition. 
Enhance emotional well-being and learn stress management techniques. 
Cultivate a positive body image and develop self-acceptance. 
Learn how to honor the commitments you make to yourself, and live in harmony with having the health you value

LIVE Coaching Begins Within Two Weeks of Enrolment!

As soon as you register, you get INSTANT ACCESS to an App that guides you, DAILY, to become skilled at forming new healthy habits and keeping promises to yourself

Here is What's Included in This Program:

Module 1: 5 Day Detox (Challenge)

What better way to reset your system and prepare for maximum weight loss Than with a 5 day detox challenge!

Rejuvenate your metabolism, reenergise your body and improve your mental clarity and focus

By The End of Module 1 You Will:

Harness the power of smoothies to support your weight loss journey and achieve long-term success. 
Give your digestive system a break, allowing it to rest and rejuvenate, reduce bloating, and enhance gut health and boost your overall energy levels.
Learn How Seamlessly incorporate smoothies into your daily routine as satisfying meal substitutes or nutrient-packed boosts, revitalizing your overall nutrition. 
Experience visible evidence of your transformation as you shed up to 1 pound per day, kickstarting your weight loss journey and fueling motivation for continued success.
Overcome cravings and maintain control over your food choices with smoothies' satisfying properties, enabling you to stay on track and resist temptation. 

Module 2:  My Fat Dialogue

Embark on a transformative journey as you engage in a dialogue with your fat.

Discover the profound stories woven within your body, as your fat holds wisdom and insights.

Approach this experience with an open heart and curious mind, ready to listen, learn, and release stories that no longer empower you.

By The End of Module 2 You Will:

Gain clarity on the emotional factors influencing your eating habits, distinguishing between pleasure-driven or fear-based choices and your body's nutritional needs.
Develop a heightened awareness of your personal involvement in the accumulation of fat on your body, empowering you to take ownership and make informed decisions.
Awaken your inner strength and ability to initiate change, allowing you to consciously choose a different path towards a transformed future.
Dive deep into the hidden realms of your subconscious and uncover ingrained patterns and habits that have contributed to the creation and perpetuation of excess body weight.

Module 3: Meet The Weight Loss Saboteurs

In this transformative module, we unlock the power of mental fitness and delve into the psychology of habits to initiate a profound shift in your body's weight.

Uncover the secrets behind negative thinking patterns and unlock the power to rewire your brain for success. Experience the remarkable journey of permanent weight release, guided by empowering thoughts, actions, and a renewed sense of self. 

By The End of Module 3 You Will:

Gain a profound understanding of the thinking patterns and behaviors that have been sabotaging your weight loss journey. Finally, break free from self-sabotage and pave the way for lasting success.
Discover the powerful ability to silence the negative voices in your mind and activate the part of your brain that supports your highest good. Embrace a positive mindset that opens up a world of possibilities and empowers your weight loss journey.
Develop a deep sense of control over your eating habits, without the need for extensive psychotherapy. Harness the tools and techniques to make conscious choices that align with your health goals, fostering a balanced and sustainable relationship with food.
Master a transformative process for breaking old, unhelpful habits and creating new ones that fully support the healthy lifestyle you desire. Forge a path towards a vibrant, energetic, and fulfilling future.

Module 4: Shifting Weight Off the Body

Get ready to discover the power within you to shift weight off your body and embrace a new chapter of freedom, confidence, and vitality.

One of the remarkable aspects of this module is that you'll develop a deep knowing that you have the power to control your eating without needing psychotherapy.
With my guidance and support, you'll embark on a journey that will reshape your relationship with food, enhance your self-awareness, and unlock your true potential

By The End of Module 4 You Will:

Unravel weight loss myths and dispel misinformation that perpetuates the cycle of yo-yo dieting, gaining clarity on what truly works for sustainable results.
Gain deep insights into the science of food addiction, identifying its signs and learning powerful strategies to overcome its grip, paving the way for a healthier relationship with food.
Cultivate essential skills and practices to stay committed to your own well-being, breaking free from self-sabotage and embracing a positive mindset that supports your healthy weight loss journey.
Take confident strides forward with practical "getting started" choices, empowering you to make informed decisions about nourishing your body and building the foundation for the transformation you desire.​​

Discover your power to shift weight off your body and embrace a
new chapter of  food freedom, health, confidence, and vitality.

Module 5: Celebrate and Recommit

Discover the power of rituals to create magical changes in your well-being. Unlock the potential to 10X your results by responding differently to the world around you.

Embrace mindful choices, celebrate your progress, and recommit to your transformational journey. Get ready to unleash your inner power and create a future of profound well-being and fulfillment.

By The End of Module 5 You Will:

Master the art of locking in your wins and integrating them seamlessly into your daily life. Experience the exhilaration of genuine transformation that stays with you.
Unravel the mystery behind cravings and gain a deep understanding of how to break free from their grip. Empower yourself to make conscious choices that align with your well-being. 
Embrace a new way of living where being lighter and healthier is a natural extension of who you are. Say goodbye to relying solely on willpower and hello to effortlessly embodying a vibrant and thriving lifestyle. 
Step into your true authority as you gain the wisdom to choose how you respond to external influences. Cultivate an empowered mindset that allows you to navigate life's challenges with grace and confidence.

This Program Comes With
Three ADDITIONAL Over-The-Top Benefits!!!

Power Partner Pairing

If you want to go far, go with a friend. Sometime persons begin to listen and believe their “saboteurs’ lies”. A Power partner is able to see and reflect back, the “Sage in you”
And to help strengthen you on your hero’s journey

Bring along or  be matched with a partner/accountability buddy. Develop a personal implementation Pod, an inner sanctuary within the already safe container of this program

Additional 1 on 1, Game Plan and RESET calls

Access a 45 minutes orientation and Game Plan call to kick off the program 

I'll personally help you to review your transformation readiness map out a strategy to prepare you to meet 'hungers' that may show up and threaten to derail you during this program.

You also have access to three (3) additional 15- minutes  on-demand call should you need additional support in between our planned weekly sessions.

Power Resources To Make Your Journey Easier

Get the Tools needed to help you shift from powerlessness to control and deliberate creation. Remove the guess work and provide just the right amount of accountability.

Learn how to accelerate your weight loss with strategic movement sequences instead of punishing exercises and intimidating gym workouts.

Participate solo or in a virtual group

Make your health a priority. Enroll today to receive my full focus and expertise at a fraction of the future cost. 

This is your chance to receive tailored guidance that will result in remarkable changes in your well-being. 

 LIVE Coaching Begins Within Two Weeks of Enrolment!

Are you Ready to Finally Lose the weight Keep it off and live a healthy, vibrant life ?

Get INSTANT ACCESS to an App (Positive Intelligence) that guides you, DAILY, to become skilled at forming new healthy habits.

Here's What You Get:

Weekly 1 on 1 Coaching and Mentoring Calls for the twelve weeks. This will be a combination of a "Mental Fitness Check-in", review of your body transformation dashboard which allows you to monitor strategic matrices and milestone indicators of your journey(Valued at US$6,00)

Access to the "Sustainable Weight Loss Video Archive", a multi-media program to increase personal awareness of food preferences and habits and guides you to re-evaluate your relationship with food.(Valued at US$2,400)

Access to the Positive Intelligence App and platform for daily mental fitness training and the building to core mental muscles (Valued at US$1,200.00)

Kick off Game Plan call and three (3) additional 15- minutes on-demand call should you need additional support in between our planned weekly sessions. (Valued at US$1,500)

UNLIMITED online access to me Monday-Friday for feedback, accountability & support . Plus access in our own private Sustainable Weight Loss Group for the twelve weeks (Valued at US$5,600)

BONUS #1: Power Partner Pairing Opportunity (Valued at $Priceless)

BONUS #2: Access to a rapidly growing vault of Power Tools, templates, scripts, graphics, workbooks, assessments, exercise routines etc to Enhance Your Journey and accelerate your results (Valued at US$997.00+)​

Total Value = US$17,697

Get Started Today For a Fraction of This Cost





Each Month For 2 months



Each Month For 3 months

The individualized attention and personal inventories that are a part of this program were previously reserved only for 1 on 1 coaching clients who paid top dollars by the hour for access

I Have WALKED In Your Shoes

Growing up I never felt Confident to SHOW UP completely, because I carried with me the stigma of a fat girl who was CALLED NAMES and SHAMED from as early as 11 years old.

At 42 years, I weighed 203 pounds.
Many nights, I did not have the energy to read my daughter her bedtime story. She would regularly climb out of the bed and leave me sleeping.

Stiff joints and body aches led me to be taking the same prescription for arthritis as my 72-year old mom.

Hello – I Am Andrea

In my former roles as a C-Suite executive, I have headed the company as the general manager, been the head of R & D and a professor of Marketing & Strategy among other roles

It puzzled me that I could be successful in many areas of my life, but sucked at managing my weight.

I know what it is like to feel broken and to be taking “old people” medicine while still in my prime years, (after years of being a little more than chubby, I was diagnosed with arthritis, then diabetes and Polymyalgia Rheumatica were added)

With every failure, I knew that there was more to it than finding the right diet and exercise. I did not have to be certified in psychology or neuroscience to realize that something deeper was contributing to my weight rebound

The more I met other women who demonstrated strength in many areas of life but could not get it right with their body and food, the more I knew I had to develop a program that helped women find a new paradigm to lose weight permanently as well as to address their weight related health challenges.

At 59 y.o. I became a yoga teacher and 62 y.o I became a certified Feminine Power Transformation Coach. In the last 2 years I have invested in becoming a mental fitness trainer

I finally figured out how to break free from the lose weight/gain weight cycle and to reclaim my radiance, my health and my passion for life.

My mission is to help YOU successfully lose weight, improve your health and vitality and live with more confidence than you have ever felt in all your life.

It is my commitment to equip you with everything you need to boost your mental fitness and confidently take charge of your body, eating habits, and overall well-being. Together, we'll unleash your full potential, enhancing your confidence, and performance. 


Lost 12.2 Lbs And 8 Inches In Four Weeks & Feel Accomplished...

In the first four weeks I lost 12.2 pounds and 8 inches.

The difference was noticeable in my upper body, the abdominal area above the waist, chest and upper back

I feel accomplished with this, although I know this is the beginning of a long journey."

Marcia W. , Pharmacist
St. Catherine, Jamaica

I Feel Very Good And Optimistic About My Life Again

"I did not have much body weight to lose, but I had been trying for years to lose my belly fat.

When I joined Andrea’s program I had given up and was saving the money to do a liposuction.

I am still baffled. I never thought this was possible for me. My co-workers are marveling that I look younger and smaller, while they are all moving in the opposite direction.

I feel very good and optimistic about my life again and have voluntarily enrolled myself in an ICT program, although after my BSc, I had told myself that I was finished with studying."

Francine R., Food Technologist And Entrepreneur
Kingston, Jamaica

Great To See My Collar Bones Again...

"I had been on a successful weight loss program before but my weight became a challenge in the last five years and the old solution no longer worked for me. Working with Andrea changed the way I now understand food, stress and commitment. I found the daily personal emails most helpful. I think every client got them, but everyone felt personal to me and gave me the motivation I needed to push forward. I’m a stress eater and so reading those emails first thing in the morning, gave me more positive thoughts and the focus to start and finish my day.

It was great to see my collar bones again."

Ruby M., Entrepreneur
Kingston, Jamaica

Our Love And Honor Guarantee.

If, after 30 days of full engagement with the strategies and structures in this program, you are not 100% satisfied.

If you do not feel enabled to let go of your old story, and prune back the things that no longer serve you.

If you do not feel you can confidently move forward to reset your brain and your body and your life

Then I will offer you a full refund .

Make your payment today, Take the full 30 days to be on this journey of self-discovery and transformation …and THEN, make a decision, using the information and experience YOU have, rather than opinions and preconceived notions of other people .

Got Rid Of Stubborn Fat In My Mid-Section...

"I have been on a health and wellness journey for about nineteen years and I still learned a lot from this program.
Eating healthier fats and drinking more water was new to me, yet these are two of the changes that made the biggest difference in helping me get rid of the stubborn fat in my mid-section.

I am over 50 years old and the fat in my mid sections has always been a challenge. I now know that is something I can use to help women who are struggling with the mid-section weight."

Andria G. , Wellness Coach
Atlanta, USA

Lasting Weight Loss Accelerator: RESET For Lasting Weight Loss

A 12-week Coaching And Mentoring Program
To Lose Weight, Keep it Off and Live a Healthy, Vibrant Life!

Here's A Re-Cap Of What You Get:

12 Weekly 1 on 1 Coaching and Mentoring Calls a combination of a "Mental Fitness Check-in", and review of your body transformation dashboard (Valued at US$6,000)

Access to the "Sustainable Weight Loss Video Archive", a multi-media program to evaluate your relationship with yourself and food (Valued at US$2,400)

Kick off Game Plan call and three (3) additional 15 - minutes on-demand RESET sessions. (Valued at US$1,500)

Access to the Positive Intelligence App and for the duration of the program (Value $1,200)

Unlimited Access to me for feedback, support and accountability (Value $5,600)

 BONUS 1: Power Partner Pairing (Value Priceless )

BONUS 2: Access to a rapidly growing vault of Power Tools, templates, scripts, graphics, workbooks, assessments, exercise routines etc to Enhance accelerate your results (Value $997.00+)

Total Value = US$17,697

Today's Price = US$1497





Each Month For 2 months



Each Month For 3 months

The individualized attention and personal inventories that are a part of this program were previously reserved only for 1 on 1 coaching clients who paid top dollars by the hour for access

Your Journey to Lasting Weight Loss is Within Reach.

 Despite any hesitations or doubts, deep down, you know it's time for a change. The Lasting Weight Loss Accelerator Program is here to support you every step of the way. Our unique approach combines cutting-edge techniques from neuroscience, positive psychology, cognitive behavioral therapy, and performance science to address your specific challenges and empower you to achieve remarkable results.

I genuinely care about your success and believe that by shedding excess weight and transforming your relationship with yourself and food, you'll unlock incredible potentials within you. It's an opportunity to reclaim your energy, confidence, and the dreams that still burn within you.

Now is the time to silence your inner critic, let go of past failures, and take a leap of faith.Trust me when I say that this program has been carefully designed with your success in mind. By losing weight and cultivating a healthier relationship with yourself and food, you'll unlock potentials you didn't even know you possessed. Together, we'll overcome obstacles, celebrate victories, and witness the amazing transformation you've been longing for.

Don't MISS OUT! 

Don't miss out on this chance to create a brighter, healthier future. Say yes to yourself and join me in this transformative program. Your dreams are waiting, and I'll be there to guide you every step of the way. Take the first step toward lasting weight loss success and enroll today.

Lasting Weight Loss Accelerator:  RESET For Lasting Weight Loss

A 12-week Coaching And Mentoring Program
To Lose Weight, Keep it Off and Live a Healthy Vibrant Life!

The Lasting Weight Loss Program unlock a wealth of benefits that will positively impact your life:

This program provides you with the knowledge, tools, and strategies to shed excess pounds and maintain a healthy weight in the long term.

Transform your relationship with food, your body, and yourself. develop a positive and empowered mindset, overcoming self-sabotage, negative thinking patterns, and emotional eating

As you embrace healthier habits and nourish your body with nutrient-rich foods, you'll experience enhanced energy, vitality, and overall well-being. This program is designed to optimise your health, supporting improved digestion, gut health, and immune function.

Benefit from personalised guidance and support throughout your journey. The program provides individual attention, allowing you to address your unique challenges and tailor the strategies to your specific needs. You'll receive expert advice, encouragement, and accountability, ensuring your success.

It is not a quick fix but a life-changing experience that equips you with the tools and knowledge needed to make lasting changes, fostering a healthier relationship with food, self-care, and self-image.

The benefits you'll reap extend far beyond the lower number you will see on the scale. It will  empower you to embrace a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life. 

Total Value = US$17,697

Today's Price = US$1497





Each Month For 2 months



Each Month For 3 months

Access  unparalleled  individualised attention assessments using  personal inventories in one coherent program.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time is required?

Plan for about 2-3 hours per week, to learn new concepts, practice new skills, journal and interact with members of the community. The time will be well spent and then incorporated as an integral part of your daily routine instead of a formal learning environment. This will be like learning to drive a car – a series of activities which are then seamlessly integrated in your daily life.

What materials/supplies do I need to make this program work for me?

You will be given an essential list in your welcome and getting started materials.
I suspect you will already have many of the require materials. The first week will be dedicated to audit and resource the things you need.

Are the meal plans safe for me if I have a health condition or I'm pregnant/breastfeeding?

Absolutely. If you have not been given any dietary restrictions by your doctor and you do not have any unknown food allergy then the plans will work just fine. Everything is 100% safe for anyone as long as they are allowed to eat food.

Can I eat/drink______

If it is not within the program guidelines do not even think about it. Many women use food to self soothe or to temporarily cope with emotional issues. Food becomes an addiction. In addition, many foods are now engineered to addictive. Eating even a small amount of an addictive food doesn’t make the craving go away—it makes it worse.

If I take a break from the program or miss a week for some reason, will I be able to get right back on without being behind?

You may fall a little behind, but you will be able to catch up. Life happens. No one is perfect. If you fall off or take a break, it's easy to jump right back on track!

I hate to exercising. Does this program have exercises to torture me and leave my body in pain?

You will not be training for the Olympics or to enter a body builder competition. The exercises in this program will not transform you into a hard body spartan, an elite Olympian athlete or confer any super-girl agility. You will not be asked to unreasonably tax any part of your body. There is nothing to fear.

I'm already following a different meal plan/workout plan, can I just supplement or use the part of your program I need?

While I support the principle of different strokes for different folks, the meal plan and workout in this program are designed to work synergistically. I cannot be held accountable for a program designed by someone else who may be using a different underlying principle in seeking \ to get you to your weight loss goals.

Will I need gym-membership and new gym clothes?

The exercises in this program are ‘at home’ exercises. The focus is on body weight or light 3, 5-or 10 pounds hand weights
New clothes is a matter of personal choice. Depending on the gym, you may actually be sabotaging the program we are doing here together.

Enroll In The Lasting Weight Loss Accelerator and 
RESET For Lasting Weight Loss" 

Here Is What I Believe to be TRUE...

You're ready to take action and put an end to the struggle with food and your body. This program holds the key to your lasting success, even if you doubt yourself right now. I believe in you.

In the past, you lacked the right combination of insights and daily practices. But this program is different. It empowers you with the knowledge and mental resilience to make informed decisions, overcome challenges, and stay committed to a healthy, happy lifestyle.

Break free from the cycle of temporary success and disappointment. Build the mental muscles needed to navigate obstacles and maintain progress. Trust in yourself and trust in this program. It's time for a transformation that puts you in control.

Together, we'll make it happen. Let's embark on this journey to reclaim your health and happiness. Take this opportunity for lasting change. I'm here to guide you every step of the way. 

Let's Do This 

Andrea Is A Powerful Guide On This Journey Of Health And Well-Being.

"I love this program. I learned so much about myself and my body. I feel uniquely empowered. The program takes you on a journey of personal discovery about habits that support your body. You can be in control of your life.

If you believe that success in losing weight is only for others, or that certain ailments are just part of growing older - you will be pleasantly surprised.

There is a ferocity that Andrea brings to this program, for her participants, that I had not experienced in other programs. "

Cynthia O., Feminine Power Coach and Facilitator
Vancouver, British Columbia

It’s Time To Take Back Control Of
Your Eating and Body and Live a Healthy, Vibrant Life

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P. O. Box 1926 Kingston 8 Jamaica | (954) 246 3790
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