If you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see or you are not moving about as easily as you used to, your clothes are becoming tight and you don’t breath as easily and feel uncomfortable you need a wellness evaluation.

There is a ratio of fat to lean muscle at which most persons remain healthy.These ratios have been compiled into the now popular Body Mass Index (BMI)

You can calculate your own body mass index using this simple formula

Calculate your ideal body weight:

Current Weight _________  X  ____ 22  ÷ BMI = ideal Weight

(use 23 if you are male)

Or Use this chart  


Recently the Journal of the American Medical Association featured a study that found that obesity appears to lessen life expectancy. The researchers compared Body-Mass Index (BMI) to longevity and found a correlation between premature death and higher BMIs

I am offering you an opportunity to get a free wellness evaluation. A wellness evaluation could also uncover some critical issues that could threaten your health 

Kindly fill out the form below as completely as you can.
We will get back to you in 24-48 hours after you have submitted it
with your customized report and recommendations for improving
your wellness